MM and JH 4/12/07

July 28, 2008

4/12/07 JH 8.6 lbs. MM 7.6 lbs. As my time flying in Lathrop winds down I want to make the most of it. Despite the fact that it is such an ugly place to fly a bird, it has, over […]

MM and JH 3/30/07

July 28, 2008

3/30/07 JH 8.8 lbs.. MM 7.5 lbs.. JH: Jacks have been a little harder to find these days, not sure why, but I have had to go to 2 and 3 fields to find a good slip. I started out […]

Mini-Me and JH

July 28, 2008

3/26/07 JH 8.10 lbs MM 7.3lbs JH: I went into the new hay field which is now completely covered in fiddle neck. JH was looking for ears — jack rabbits will raise their ears, listening for predators, and JH is […]

Mini-Me 3/26/07

March 26, 2007

3/26/07 JH 8.10 lbs. MM 7.3 lbs.     JH:   MM:   He flew his ass off today and just did not catch one, it happens. He is now returning to the fist from any distance and has made […]


March 24, 2007

3/24/07 The boys had a day off yesterday because we went down to the Monterey Bay Aquarium; had a very nice time. We got home late last night and this morning I just loaded up both birds and headed down […]


March 19, 2007

3/19/07 JH 8.5 lbs MM 7.4 lbs JH: I went to the field from hell, walked the entire thing and did not get one slip. Then I went to the new hay field, and saw one jack which JH caught. […]

Mini-Me 3/17/07

March 17, 2007

  MM on first kill YES!!!! 3/17/07 I went out early; the sun was just coming up as I was driving down to Lathrop. I was hopeful that the early start would produce more slips, but it did not. JH […]

Mini-Me 3/13/07

March 13, 2007

3/13/07 I took JH to the large hay field and walked the entire thing. We saw a few jacks but ended up coming up on the oat hay at the end of the alfalfa field. JH had flown off the […]

Mini-Me 3/9/07

March 9, 2007

3/9/07 JH: I hunted the FFH (field from hell) and did not flush one jack which was surprising because I have not gone there much. I then went to the big hay field and went into the oat hay that […]

Mini-Me 3/7/07

March 7, 2007

Mini-Me on bagged rabbit 3/7/07 I am just about out of food for the 3 eagles. JH normally brings in a lot of food for the other eagles but in the last couple of outings JH has not connected on […]