Cordi and I hope you enjoy reading about our adventures flying and hunting golden eagles.
The Eagle Journal started out with me emailing a few friends telling them what was going on with our eagles, sharing the daily training and hunting and all that goes into getting an eagle trained and into the field. Apparently reading about me chasing eagles down busy four-lane roads dodging cars, tracking eagles in people’s backyards, having eagles grab dogs, coyotes, cats, badgers or other raptors, driving myself to the hospital because I was grabbed, has been, over the years, some kind of sick entertainment for my friends. The closer I came to near death the more people seemed to want to read the Eagle Journal. From just emailing a couple of friends the eagle journal has grown to include a list of more than fifteen countries and who knows how many readers and has continued to evolve into what we have today, this website.
One thing you will find is that we leave nothing out — the good, the bad, the ugly, it is all told just as it happens. Over the years we have trained and released dozens of golden eagles. This is our passion, to take young eagles that through no fault of their own, both through injury or sickness, missed out on learning the skills necessary for survival from their parents and give them the opportunity, and possibly their last chance, to become wild eagles. They arrive in our hands with very little idea of what they are; all they know is that they hate people. They have been netted, poked, examined and forced to swallow medicine that tasted horrible. And, of course, not knowing that this was all done to save them, to say they have developed a great hatred for people is an understatement. Many eagles have never flown more than fifty feet in their life. To take an eagle like this and watch it grow and learn to ride the wind, and hunt and make its first kill, to see these young eagles now suddenly realize what they are and what they are capable of, for us, is very gratifying. The greatest reward for us is to release a conditioned and confident hunter that now has at least a fighting chance to survive. So we invite you to come along with us on a journey as we fly and hunt eagles and prepare them for life in the wild.
by Joe C. Atkinson
Ryan Jameson has been asked by the CIA to teach their agent Mike Brown the ancient art of eagle falconry so he can get an invitation to a secret camp run by a Russian arms dealer who is a avid falconer. When Mike Brown is injured while training an eagle Ryan is asked to take his place. Not being an agent himself Ryan was faced with life and death situations and finds himself lost in the Mongolian desert being pursued by the deranged daughter of a terrorist who will stop at nothing to kill him. With only a knife and his trained golden eagle Andor, Ryan must find a way to survive in some of the harshest weather conditions on the planet. To order your signed copy, click the PayPal button below.
Price: $20 (includes shipping)

Training Eagles the Easy Way - Second Edition
Available from CorJo Wildlife Productions
Joe and Cordi Atkinson have worked with golden Eagles for over three decades. Their experiences have led them around the world, training not only golden eagles but eagles like the rarest eagle of them all, the Philippine Eagle. This DVD introduces you to a low-stress training method that has been used on many different raptors, not just golden eagles, by falconers around the world.
This two-part video series will show you what to do from the moment you get your new eagle and every step along the way up to free-flight and hunting.